
Ok, first post. Dear visitor, welcome on this blog! I procrastinated months and months thinking about the perfect article to start this blog. I started reading books and books to brainstorm ideas. But the truth is, there is no perfect article. The secret of life is to simply start, then learn (instead of the reverse). Embrace your mistakes along the way and evolve.

Recently I just finished two books: the Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin and Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. The intersecting morale of both books is the power of science. Science is what elevated us at the top of the animal hierarchy and gave us god-like status. All power dynamics are turned around from it. What fascinates me is the power that we possess to bring things that exist only in our minds to reality. Science is the bridge between the idea and reality. So you need two things: creativity and science. I always wonder, what will the world look like in hundred years, in a thousand years. A whole lot different for sure.

As for me, I’m currently working as a quant in a fintech. In simple terms, the role of a quant is to put a mathematical framework around the chaos of the financial markets. Unlike other fields, randomness is at the core of financial markets. Thus, separating skill and chance for trading performance is a arduous and fuzzy task (cf. Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking Fast and Slow). As trading agents evolve, markets evolve. It’s as if you were in an environment where the laws and constants of physics change across time. This intellectual challenge coupled with the rewards of indecent money is what makes Wall Street the converging point of brain powers from all over the world.

Through this blog, I want to share ideas about AI, finance, mathematics, art, or anything else that strikes my curiosity.

Written on February 13, 2022